H y p o t h e t i c a l l y o f
C o u r s e
by Devon MaloneyWhat if hypothetically
All that’s right is wrong
And we’ve been living all this time
Not knowing all along
That would mean that down is up
And surely up is down
Left is right and right is left
It’s hard to get around
What if it’s not gravity
But magnets that keep us down
And gravity is just that force
That pulls us off the ground
Maybe fat is thin you say
And I would soon agree
That would mean that thin is fat
And just more food for me
What if black was white I think
Which means all paper’s black
And we just changed the words for them
But now we can’t go back
But if all is in reverse
Then back must be our forward
Walk on hands and eat with feet
It’s really quite absurd
You’d never see a pigeon fly
There would only be the pigs
And apes would all be shaven bald
But zebras would wear wigs
Cheetahs in the Arctic Circle
And penguins in Peru
With everyone now someone else
Would I be me or you
Would I have asked this question
Or would it be so real
That someone else would ask this one
And find out how we feel
Imagine them with orange plants
And pavement made of cheese
It’s crazy that to think about
Or maybe it’s just me
Am I at risk of sanity
To think of such the sort
When cobblestones are real brick cheese
And windows used as doors
How weird a hypothetical
I seem to ask you all
But who am I to understand
Why I reside in padded walls