My Pen
By Max Freese
I grasp my pen;
The smooth plastic slides
Through my fingers.
I begin to write;
The blue ink flows
Throughout the blank paper.
I hear my pen,
The faint scratching
Of the tip making contact.
It never stops.
Never needs sharpened.
Never needs lead.
But if not careful,
One tiny mistake
Can ruin everything.
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A Tree
By Michael Farina
A giant among the ancient,
Elder of the old wood and limb.
Gnarled branches and rusting leaves,
Once swollen with life,
Now flushed after a fall.
The verdant ink leaking back,
Through the flaying husk of bark,
And to the dust.
Twigs and briar mark,
The discarded corpse,
Of a shell and barren nest.
And the scar,
Cutting down and across,
Where the blade first struck.
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Chicken Noodle Soup and Oreo Cookies
By Katie Ursitti
Those simple days that orbited around
Looney Toons and afghan tents
Are now gone from my world
Those long summer days
That I spent with her
Are no more than memories
I can still smell the soup
I can still see her smile and hear her laugh
And can remember the "all-you-can-eat" Oreo cookie buffets
The Angel food cakes with candy on top
Were the highlight of the summer
I long for those days
But I can't go back
For the person I spent those days with
No longer graces the earth with her presence
So farewell to the chicken noodle soup
And the Oreo cookie buffets of my youth
The Angel food cakes and Starburst candies of my past
Have gone with her
Through the clouds and through the gates
Into a world and land
Where I cannot follow.
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Control Freak
By Kaelyb Suchevits
Hate me,
Sedate me,
Try to make me ignore
All that I hold dear.
Call me a freak,
Think about me the way you want.
I'll never let you take control of my life.
I stare at the sky filled with gray
Seeing all that I have done wrong.
I wish to change what I have done,
I wish to fix all that I have broken,
To take back control of this life long lost.
I'm a freak.
A control freak.
To erase this scar that has marked me.
Correct me,
Edit me,
Wake me up from this backward twisted dream.
I walk these empty streets.
I fly these vacant skies.
But I still see nothing to set me free.
I stare at this cloud-riddled sky.
My vision of the future is foggy.
I had changed my broken ways,
I had spared my brothers life,
But my life is still spinning out of control.
I'm a freak
A control freak
But this scar still marks my heart.
I don't know what had happened .
One-minute father was there
The next he wasn't,
And my life changed in a blink of my eyes,
And when they opened you were there,
There for me,
You were the first to care,
For me.
I look at this now clear blue sky
I feel so free, with you right next to me.
But have I been forgiven,
Have I righted all my wrongs?
These questions still flash through my mind.
Am I still a freak?
A control freak?
You look back at me and say but one word,
No you're not.
I look at the same sky as you,
Feeling your hand inside of mine.
Don't know what I'd do without you.
I know you'd do anything to see me smile.
I'll tell you how I feel, what I think.
You're no longer a freak,
A control freak,
I'll love you forever and for always.
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By Rebecca Schweigart
I've never felt my heart beating so fast
wishing the pain would stop
but knowing it will last
Never feeling so hurt in my life
feeling my heart being stabbed with a knife
Wishing the agony would end
feeling the blood drip off my fingertips
watching it explode on the floor
feeling the knife strike once more
Screaming for him to let me go
"Let me just die here"
I say through every tear
My dead weight body hits the ground
as I wonder if I'll ever be found
How can you keep kicking me when I'm down?
Oh, I'm screaming in pain
as you seem not to hear a sound
What a twisted monster you are
Watching me die
Causing my death
You won't get far
as Hell will catch up with you
bringing you more pain
than your twisted game
Leave me here to die
tell the world I said goodbye
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Just For Lex
By Terri Pykosh
I wish I could say, but I can only think;
So much I would tell you, if only I could speak.
I would tell you about love,
I would tell you that I care.
I would tell you that my tears
Are of joy and are of pain.
I would tell you of my dreams
And the story of my soul.
The words are in my heart,
But will never pass my lips.
I wish I could say, but I can only think
So much I would tell you, if only I could speak.
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Silent Admiration
By Taylor Brletich
It’s a weekly relationship,
I don’t even know his name.
He’s always smiling rushing around because he knows his way.
I look for him every Sunday;
He just buys a hat, or jeans or occasionally a new shirt.
He’s a fan of the Steelers, and wears camouflage most of the time.
His eyes indicate that he wants to talk forever;
I wish we could.
We have our language of waving hands and speaking with smiles.
He’s my favorite customer.
He doesn’t complain, he’s never moody he never gives me a hard time.
He’s always waving and winks.
He’s always alone.
He never waits to be waited on with anyone besides me.
His presence leaves me saddened and yet so happy.
In the silence of our connection I hope he knows I admire his unresponsive company.
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My Body Tends To Grow Tense When You Speak
By Nicole Kerestine
Because your voice vibrates hard against
my neurons, shakes chemicals
and collapses synapses.
My mind becomes the anticipated mess of serotonin
and pathless impulses.
Your voice
inside me
reverberates down my vertebrae
and I feel the movement
of your vocal chords,
pulse back and forth
to shake every nerve ending,
tensing my nervous system.
Your voice pulsates
through blood vessels,
pumps waves
of the hot liquid against
tightened muscles.
Your voice
plays me like percussion
as vibrations in the tension
beat against my body.
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I Stand In This Place
By Danielle Brletich
I stand in this place
all alone with this fear
I look out at the blue
to see no one there
I look all around me
for just one little sign
then coming to realization
it is not my time
I hold back the tears
of this distressed feeling
trying to go back
to how my movie is unreeling
scene after scene
I try to chase
my dreams, my ambition, my future
though I feel so out of place
I know that I can do this
I’ve come this far
although they say it’s not enough
I will raise this suffocating bar
so here I stand
looking out at this blue
holding out my hand
for you
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Since You Left Me
By Jeremy Koury
Today the sun smiled at me
So I scowled until dark
And I watched snails
Race circles ‘round my head
The fat lady sang a glorious tune
Pigs cart-wheeled in the air
And men and women agreed
Since you left me
Right has become wrong
And black now is white
Whiter than the snow is in July
I may not know much
But my world's upside down
And I’m dizzy from the mess
Of crazy things I hadn't noticed until now
But maybe it's not you
But all the drinking I've done
‘Cuz I haven't much else to do
Since you left me
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The Feeling (2010)
By Rodney Taylor
It cannot be simulated; it just happens.
Sitting there they feel it and then it ends.
They try to get it back, but it just won't happen.
It returns when they part.
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By Laura Laughin
There are no words to describe
But anyway, I’ll still try.
Before you I was empty
Before you I was cold
No care in the world,
Unless it had to do with me.
Before you I was lonely,
Before you I was bored
But it’s with you that I love
With you I’m duplicated.
I’m way too full to breathe.
With you I’m warm,
Sometimes you make me sweat.
With you I worry.. But only about you
With you my life’s exciting,
Even if it’s just monopoly.
With you I’m blessed,
To find a man with chivalry.
With you I’m comfortable,
I don’t have to fake anything I say.
And now it’s with you forever.
To my new husband Tommy (10.1.11)
Love, Laura
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Your Butterfly
By Arica Clauson
Like the broken wings of a butterfly
You keep me higher amongst the clouds
You help me fly
The soft dust on my wings
Brushes across your shoulder
As I soar with the wind
And when night comes
And I have seen the earth
I fly back safely
To the open palm of your hand
Where you embrace my beauty
Keeping me unharmed
Forever I will fly to you
For I, am your one
And only
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Experimental Poem
By Ta’lor Pinkston
“1 (One)”
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A Great Loss
By Breanna Rodrigeouez-Lee
An unwanted feeling
Unliked by most
Overwhelmed with worry and hopelessness
A strong will to flee
But frozen in place
As if time stands still
Trying to uncover an escape
All leading to dead ends
The walls start to pull inwards
Pushing up against you
Expelling those last sacred breaths
Waiting for life to "flash before your eyes"
But it doesn't
And it never will
Because true fear has no mercy
It stays with you
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A Passing Second
By Laurel Tokarczyk
Alive within the airwaves;
Exhaling the lyrics of a song,
Pausing the promises you broke,
The reality that was mine
Changed in a passing second.
Segued by the screaming chorus
Of grasping to the railing,
Amidst the forceful, drunken lunges
And pulls to rip me down.
Trembling fingers held me strong,
As you threw me away.
This broken purse and ripped up shirt
Is nothing to the broken girl.
Second-hand whisky trails loomed the air,
Cursing me; mocking what's true, stagnant;
Reinforcing the downward spiral.
What's next, skip forward, numbness lurks.
Broken promises lie next to me in this empty bed.
Passive silence consumes.
You're not the man you thought you'd be,
Not half the man I'd hoped you were;
Only fragments of the girl I'd been,
Small shards of the once good thing we had.
Momentary notions of a better absolution
Seep within my mind.
These lyrics make me better
For now.
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By Ron Coulter
it's a shame, really
we have taken full advantage of her
from our homes, to our roads
businesses and shopping malls
all seem to infect her land
for what?
a sense of accomplishment?
the feeling of happiness?
or the need to expand?
we strive to get that dollar
while driving our machines
killing life to sustain our own
extracting rich resources
for that big payday
we pay those to live
shouldn't we owe her?
eventually she will rise
the concrete will be uplifted
the power lines will fall
our homes will crumble
our civilization will be overtaken
how will we manage?
can we manage?
when we got this far
consumed so much, cared so little
littering the water, burning down trees
wearing her creatures as a coat
yes, those too are life
and we are killing them
ironic how we have justice
for those that commit
yet we are the ones
committing the worst
killing earth, slowly
it's a big disappointment
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I Drowned You
By Ron Coulter
so many times i called for your assistance
how often, perhaps one too many
when there was no need i still insisted
nights filled with deep thought
you were there by my side
almost as if you became part of me
each time you began so did i
i didn't call it until my mind was emptied
then i told you good night
i thanked you for your inspiration
my life now has grown fond of you
one day came and i felt the need
my mind had no thoughts but one
i wanted to kill you, slowly
yet with a sense of satisfaction, so i began
i took a match and struck the side of the box
i let every well-being of you on fire
i watched you over time die
i heard nothing so i felt the need to continue
the smell still stayed the same
you dripped on my desk
hardened and then i examined
to my surprise this was not what i wanted
as time showed its markings on you i glanced
i was getting toward the end
i could see it and i had no intentions of easing
the colors changed signaling this was the end
peach was taken over by a swarm of black
i burned you all over and collected the remains
the black grew and i had the power
the flame ceased and i drowned you
a sign signaled this act was finished
black faint smoke greeted the nearby air
time for another to do the same to
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We Will Not Break
By Tammy Beach-Copechal
Tribute to all those who have fallen because of terrorism,
for those who have fought for our freedom and those who have
lost someone to senseless violence:
The American spirit will not be broken,
from death and destruction we rise,
our lives will not go unspoken,
from the debris we reach for the skies.
Our stories will be told,
ignorance gave us immortality,
in these hallowed halls history will unfold,
of senseless destruction and brutality.
We will pick ourselves up and rebuild,
freedom is the tie that binds,
listen to our stories and let your heart be filled,
for the American Spirit never dies.
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Flighted Faith
By Taylor Brletich
At the edge of darkness I wait
In light of the situation I’m irate
Swallowing my tears I’m crying for pain
In absence of your presence I’m going insane
Bound by the courage to gather my pride
I find a dark corner to escape and unaccompanied hide
The agony of fate it’s all just a clock
I’ll succumb to its decision whether I like it or not
Lifeless you lie in front of me now
I find in my heart the questions of why now and how
Answering questions that race within my mind
The results yield grim limitations on time
A beautiful being so delicate and small
Holds on for dear life yet not having any time left at all
As she suffers she proclaims that she loves me
November 14 will always be
The last time I saw her in the house that she called home
Now that the fight is over I know she is not alone
Although the cancer spread to decide her fate
She promised she'd be watching no matter what time nor the date
Although she physically has drifted away
She reminded us that in butterflies her memory will stay
Her fight is now over as she owns the sky
And in her absence when I see a butterfly I know she’s saying hello and it’s her flying by
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By Laura Laughin
To my heart, you stole.
I held it on a chain in my purse.
Not like others, who hang it on their sleeves.
With it you unlock all my secrets.
You can use it for good,
Or waste it away,
Make a copy or melt it down.
I loved you easy,
And I loved you fast.
So when you stole it I was okay.
I’ll only be upset if you don’t use this key
To unlock my soul and love me back.
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Philosophy and the Wind
By Nikki Comito
Everything we do is everything we've done.
The creation of our world's sun
Set life into motion.
Humanity developed a notion
And with purpose we roam the earth,
Always returning to the hearth.
And the philosopher says that there is no reason
And that from time to seasons
We are living to die.
When that day finally comes to us
Will we accept turning to dust?
And as another life begins,
The previous breaths were lost to the wind.
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Riding Backwards
By Chris Belloti
Time travels by the window
As lights grow farther past
Moments replay just so
Beginning with the last
Working back from there
Move by move we see
Where the world has come from
Knowing where it leads
Helplessly, we observe
Mistakes were made and said
Beginning now is clear
As looking back takes us ahead
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Sing My Daughter
By Carrie Angelo
Sing a song my daughter,
Sing a song of love.
Sing for our freedom,
Sing for God above.
Sing a song of wonder,
Sing a song of no regret.
Sing a song with great resilience
A song no one can forget.
Your heart can be your music,
Let pride fill you full.
Listen close and you may find,
What you’re searching for.
My journey brought me you,
Yours has just begun.
Sing a song for me my daughter
You have all my love.
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Thought of The Day
By Jeremy Koury
Why Do The
Always Seem To
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Young Blue
By Arica Clauson
A young blue bird perched in her tree
While the leaves shade her
From bright sun
New to the world
Too young to explore
She waits
For food
For comfort
Every night a beautiful bird flies to her nest
Feathers as blue as the afternoon sky
The young bird nestles underneath her warmth
Together they lay
Until morning
As the young bird grows
She learns to fly
Exploring her surroundings
But she does not choose to leave yet
Soaring against the highest trees
Her companion beside her
And one afternoon
The young bird leaves the nest
Spreading her wings
Looking back
At those bright feathers
Her mothers
For now it is goodbye
But her comfort remains always
Amongst the warmth of her mothers feathers
Wherever the rising sun
And cool breeze
Takes them
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One You, One Me
By Ta’lor Pinkston
Love me forever and always,
And we will be eternal.
A love with the strength that carries past our diminutive existence.
Everlasting, for Our Father placed us together; in a parallel harmony;
Playing in the tune of us; a masterpiece.
Perfection only He could create.
Never possibly repeated.
For there is only one you; one me.
You and I together an intimate inferno,
Back to the heart of the matter, that sets my heart a fire.
My soul is lifted;
Rolling in the deepest part of me,
Where your love has reached; tickled inside my core.
The center of who I am is yours;
You carry my heart with you.
Complete, reassuring love, where confidence lives and manifest.
I will speak in the tongue of love,
Repeating your words.
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Please Have Mercy
By Michelle Cooper
From watching another young woman be attacked
by the mismatch of lies and deceit,
I try to outreach,
my heart in hand to help her stand strong.
It’s been too long that she’s endured the agony that the world
continues to put her through.
So I hope she uses her brain and to herself,
remains true.
For her struggles have her tangled like a fly in a spider’s web.
And as she tries to clear her head,
the tight blockage of air,
won’t let her breathe.
The flashback scenes and the failure to break free,
Foreseen is the cause of the loss of her dreams unknown.
And she was ripped of her innocence when she was just 3 years young.
But by no law can she fill the void of her loss,
For no man can erase the missing face of the most distant father,
even if he’s looking to be replaced.
So to run from the struggle of clouded days is pointless,
for the ultimate battle is to be comfortable in your own skin,
who you are and how you live and to whom you put your trust in.
But through it all she was just looking for a friend to relate.
One that would say
that a drink won’t wash away the pain,
from the thoughts she linked
to her past.
But I was carrying my own bags,
and now I’m guilty of letting her fall,
as a result, of the burdens placed upon my own soul.
So the mismatch of lies and deceit attacked,
and my outreached heart in hand couldn’t reach
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